Spark Change Podcast Episode 5: Unselfies and Photo Booths

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“Unselfies” and photo booths make advocacy fun! We’ve seen an explosion of selfies, or self-portraits, as camera phones have become ubiquitous and people want to share photos of themselves on networks like Facebook and Instagram. Now, nonprofits have flipped the term and asked people to share unselfies — photos of themselves advocating for a cause. In today’s Spark Change Podcast, we share our experiences with unselfies, as well as photo booths for advocacy.

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At Firesteel, we test a lot of new media tools as we advocate for an end to homelessness. The purpose of the Spark Change Podcast is to share what we’ve learned, and to help other advocates use these tools. Check out our first four podcasts about Google+ Hangouts, SnapApp, advocacy videos, and social media campaigns, and please let us know what you think of Spark Change so far! Your feedback will help shape future episodes.

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